Don’t Get Taken For A Ride With The Driver’s License Scams

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Let us take the classic example of a person who is not all that interested in checking his mail every day. He does get on to the internet to stay in touch with family and friends because he is a trucker who covers hundreds of miles every month. For a person like this, a mail from a purported government source could only mean one thing: he has to do something, and he has to do it now! Probably, he has not heard of these scams and gets taken in quite easily. In fact, the scamster knows that he is an easy target and is quite unaware of driver’s license scams because none of his friends have spoken about it. He needs to know how to stay alert and not fall for those threats or statements that are on the email that he receives.

Email From The Government, Or Is It From Elsewhere?

When you look at the email, it looks quite official. There it is telling you that your license has to be verified and that this has to be completed on or before the end of the week. Let’s call this trucker Jim – if Jim does not realize that this is a scam, he is going to give up the information that he is being asked for. What he does not see is that this is a move to get hold of sensitive information like his bank account details and probably the password to open his account. Without realizing this, he submits all that they ask for and then finds out that they have virtually swiped away all that he had, in just one masterstroke. It is only then that he realizes that the mail did not come from the government, but from a fake site that was made to look like the government one.

Writing To The Right Authority Helps

Do not even hesitate when this happens to you; reporting it to the appropriate authority will help not just you, but thousands of others who are being conned in the same way. You could first start by posting it on social media and then think of reporting the address or the link or even the domains that are related to the email that came to you.

There are government agencies who are out there waiting for this report as they would investigate this cybercrime and ensure that it does not happen to you or to anyone else again.